Dr. S.Sithanantham invited as on expert in the Task Force on Biological agent under DBT from Feb 2013.
Dr. S.Sithanantham serving as a adviser World Noni Research Foundations from 2008 onwards.
Dr. J. Kannaiyan serving as external expert in biofertilizers and biopesticides for biotech consortium New Delhi.
Dr. S. Sithanantham invited member of Centre Research Advisory Committee of ICAR-National Centre
or Sorghum Research (2009-11).
Dr. S. Sithanantham invited as external expert for annual research meeting of Indian Cardamom Research Institute in 2009 and 2012.
Dr. S. Sithanantham invited for – Endowment lecture at the faculty of Agriculture Annamalai University 2012
2. Journal editing/Scientific Papers Editing –
Dr. S. Sithanantham was invited to evaluate grant proposals submitted for R & D to Department of Biotechnology (DBT) 2010 & 2011.
Dr. S.S was nominated as Chief Editor for the journal Hexapoda during 2012-2013. Dr. S. Sithanantham also offered as editorial referee for two scientific papers from Journal of Biological Control (2010-2011).
Dr. S. Sithanantham (along with 3 more scientists from ICAR) co edited a book Biological control of Insect Pests using Egg Parasitoids which is accepted by Springer for publication in 2013.
3. Charing of Scientific session –
4. Roles in Scientific Societies –
Dr. S. Sithanantham serving as president SASA Pheromone Technology since 2011
Dr. S. Sithanantham serving as vice president Entomology Academy of India since 2011
Dr. S. Sithanantham and J. Kannaiyan serving as life member in SISSTA and also in Plant protection Association of India, Hyderabad.
Dr. S. Sithanantham also serving on the Executive Committee of
International Society for Noni Research (ISNS).
Dr.S.Sithanantham, awarded best paper in crop protection session of National Seminor-Noni-search2009, Chennai by World Noni Research Foundation, during October, 2009.
Dr.S.Sithanantham, awarded best paper in Sugarcane technology session at the annual convention of South Indian Sugar and Sugarcane Technologies Association held at Bangalore during 2009.
Dr.S.Sithanantham, awarded best paper in entomology session of World Noni R & D Congress, Chennai during October, 2010.
Best paper award for student research by S.Gajalakshmi with co-authorship by Dr.Sithanantham during the session on eco-friendly methods at the National Seminar on current trends in Biotechnological strategies for eco-friendly crop protection held at Chennai during December, 2011.
Best paper award for student research by S.Divya with co-authorship by Dr.S.Sithanantham during the session on pheromones at the National Seminar on current trends in Biotechnological strategies for eco-friendly crop protection held at Chennai during December, 2011.